Intermittent fasting

Whether you are camping in a tent, RV, truck camper, or camper van, intermittent fasting can easily be done while camping.

It’s easy to discover ways to find nourishment and eating balance in the great outdoors.

Intermittent fasting for women over 50 can be beneficial to help with menopause because, during that time, we women tend to have unwanted weight gain.  By practicing intermittent fasting, you can see some signs of weight loss due to lower caloric intake.



Concept of intermittent fasting



Understanding intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting has definitely gained popularity in recent years.  That’s probably because of the potential health benefits it brings.

A lot of people think it’s a diet; it’s not, it’s an eating pattern.  It tells you when to eat instead of what to eat.

There are many different intermittent fasting methods, but the most common ones can be easy to follow. Try to figure out which would be the best way for you and your lifestyle.

16/8 method –  This method is to fast for 16 hours a day and then give yourself an eating window of 8 hours a day.  An example of this would be to have your first meal of the day at noon and your last meal of the day at 8 pm.  This is the most popular method.

Time-restricted eating (TRE) –  Sometimes, it’s easier to sustain a 12-hour eating window instead of 8 for older individuals.  You could eat from 8 am to 8 pm and still maintain a nice fasting window.  As time goes by, you may find that you are able to fast for a longer period of time.

5:2 method –  When doing this method, you would eat normally for 5 days of the week and then reduce your calorie intake to 500-600 calories a day for the last 2 days of the week.

Alternate-day fasting –  This method has you alternating between fasting and regular eating days,  On the fasting days, you eat very little or none at all.  But then, on the regular eating days, you eat normally.



intermittent fasting chart


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Intermittent fasting while camping

If you are practicing any of these fasting methods, remember that you can continue while you are camping. 

Here are some quick and easy tips and strategies that will help you be successful while enjoying the great outdoors.

Plan your fasting and eating windows –  Before you leave for camping, decide on the times of your fasting and eating.  If this is something that you do when you are home, then just continue when you are out camping. The only thing different is that you have to consider your daily activities.  If you like to have a fireside breakfast, then adjust your fasting window from 7 pm to 11 am.

Be flexible –  When you are camping, it’s easy to be a little more flexible with your fasting method.  Think about the day’s activities and what will work best for you. If you have an active day filled with hiking or biking, then you may want to choose a smaller fasting window to make sure you have enough energy for all your fun.

Stay hydrated –  Staying hydrated is extremely crucial when camping or anytime.  Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help with hunger spikes.  It is particularly important for older individuals, as hydration plays a huge role in various bodily functions.

Pack nutrient-dense foods –  Make sure that when you are packing the foods for camping, you remember to bring things that are nutrient-dense.  This will make it easier to sustain your energy and nourishment during your fasting period.  Include some nuts, seeds, dried fruits, jerky, and canned fish during your eating window.  Also, some high-quality protein bars are great to bring along.




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Your eating window

When it is within your eating window, there are some easy tips to remember to simplify your camping experience.


Intermittent fasting eating window



Meal prep in advance –  It’s easy to prep some of your food in advance to make it easier to prepare meals during a camping trip.  Pre-cut your vegetables and fruits.  Marinate meats and portion out your servings to make meal prep easier to minimize cooking times. This helps with making sure you don’t break your fast with unhealthy convenience foods.

Enjoy local and fresh foods –  While you are camping, take advantage of any local farmers’ markets or roadside stands for fresh items.  Look for fresh eggs, produce, fruit, and nuts to help create wonderful meals.

Make smart food choices –  While you are in your eating window, you should always try to eat wholesome and nutrient-rich foods.  Have some lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. You want to find some items that provide energy and help with recovery from all your outdoor activities.

Cooking outdoors –  When we are camping, we like to make most of our meals outside.  I make foil packets of grilled vegetables and lean proteins that will hold us after a long hike or bike ride.

Enjoy your camping experience –  Camping is not just about food.  When we are outside, we want to experience what camping has to offer.  We want to totally experience the beauty of camping.  By doing so, we tend to shift our thoughts to other things than food and being hungry.


Coming out of a fast (breaking a fast)

It is important to reintroduce foods gradually when coming out of a fast.  Here are some suggestions that can help make breaking a fast easier.

Fresh fruits and vegetables –  The easiest way for Paul and I to come out of a fast is to start with some fruit or vegetables.  Some ideas would be to have some berries, leafy greens, or cucumbers.  These will help give you some essential vitamins and fiber to give you that full feeling.

Smoothies –  These are easy to make and are a great start to your day.  They are easy to digest and give you lots of hydration and nutrients.  Just blend some fruits and vegetables together with some sort of protein like yogurt or protein powder.

Include protein-rich foods –  Have some lean proteins like grilled chicken, fish, tofu, beans, or lentils.  Protein will help to rebuild and repair muscle tissue.

Healthy fats –  Include some avocados, nuts, and some seeds in your first meal after a fast. They help keep you feeling satiated.  

Whole grains –  Have some grains like quinoa, brown rice, or whole wheat bread to give you some more fiber.  

Fermented foods –  Think about having some yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, or kimchi to give your body some probiotics to help with gut health.



Stay hydrated intermittent fasting



Upsides of intermittent fasting while camping

There are many benefits to intermittent fasting in your day-to-day life.  If this is something you already do or something that you wanted to try, then intermittent fasting while camping would really not be that different.  Just remember that if you are really active and adventurous, you need to really pay attention to what you eat during your eating window.  You want to be able to continue to hike and bike without becoming undernourished.

Convenience –  If you maintain your regular intermittent fasting lifestyle, you won’t have to pack as much food when packing for camping.  By eating fewer times a day, there are fewer meals to prepare.

Improved energy levels –  There are some reports that show an increase in mental clarity and improved energy levels during your fasting windows. This would be helpful when you want to hike, bike, or even setting up camp.

Weight management –  Intermittent fasting has been linked with weight loss for some individuals.  If weight loss is your goal, then adding intermittent fasting into your camping trip can be very beneficial.  

Potential metabolic benefits –  Some research suggests that intermittent fasting has shown signs of positive effects on things like insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation.  


Downsides of intermittent fasting while camping

While practicing intermittent fasting at home on day to day basis can become a routine, incorporating that into a camping trip is another story.

Trouble sticking to a routine –  When you are camping, it might be harder to stick to your eating schedule.  Due to camping activities, you might have to adjust your eating and fasting windows.

Social aspects and fun –  A camping trip with family and friends can be a magical time, but what happens when the group wants to eat but it is outside of your eating window? Group meals and camp parties can make it difficult to stay on course.  Adjusting windows might be in order to have fun with your group.



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Intermittent fasting is an excellent way for women over 50 to manage weight loss and cleanse their bodies by giving it a chance to rest between eating windows.  As we have noted above, there are downsides and upsides to maintaining a successful intermittent fasting routine.

Remember, Intermittent fasting is not the right fit for everyone.  Keep in mind that each person will have a different experience with this routine.  

It is always advisable to consult with your healthcare professional before starting a different eating routine.  

Keep in mind that the upsides and downsides of intermittent fasting listed in this article are for general reference.  Listen to your body, as each person will have their own experiences.  

People with underlying health conditions or taking specific medications need to follow a physician’s recommendations to avoid worsening a condition.  

Always remember that following your body’s lead is the way to success in an intermittent fasting routine.  It’s a personal choice.

So, pack your camping gear, start or continue your eating routine, and go out on that camping adventure.

Happy camping!


Nibbler Tip:  Keep in mind that fasting for a more extended period of time (fasting window) does not mean you will have better results.  The key is to find what works for you and your body.  Listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.



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